
Friday, October 25, 2019

Animal captivity

In S.O.L Student Organise Learning we had to choose something that was taking action.I chose to do mine on animal captivity.Why do you think we put animals in captivity ? please tell me in the comments if I need to change anything.  

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

In Maths with miss A we have been learning about patterns and relationships. We had to measure our body's and also our heads.Have you ever measured yourself ? Please tell me in the comments if I need to change anything.

Friday, October 18, 2019

My Goal Ladders

Today my class and I were making goal ladders. One was for the 5 R's and the other one was for a subject. Have you ever made a goal ladder. Please tell me in the comments if I need to change anything. What is your goal for term 4 ?